Data view table

The data view table component renders your data into columns and rows within a PatternFly table component. You can easily customize and configure the table with these additional data view components and props.

Configuring rows and columns

To define rows and columns for your table, use these props:

  • columns: Defines the column heads of the table. Each item in the array can be a ReactNode for simple heads, or an object with the following properties:
    • cell: Content to display in the column head.
    • props (optional): (ThProps) to pass to the <Th> component, such as width, sort, and other table head cell properties.
  • rows: Defines the rows to be displayed in the table. Each item in the array can be either an array of DataViewTd for simple rows, or an object with the following properties:
    • row: Content to display in each cell in the row.
    • id (optional): Unique identifier for the row that's used for matching selected items.
    • props (optional): (TrProps) to pass to the <Tr> component, such as isHoverable, isRowSelected, and other table row properties.

It is also possible to disable row selection using the isSelectDisabled function, which can be passed to the wrapping DataView component through the selection prop.

Table example

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Tree table

A tree table includes expandable rows and custom icons for leaf and parent nodes. To enable a tree table, pass the isTreeTable flag to the <DataViewTable> component.

Tree table rows have to be defined with following keys:

  • row: Defines the content for each cell in the row.
  • id: Unique identifier for the row that's used for matching selected items.
  • children (optional): Defines the children rows.

To update a row's icon to reflect its expansion state, pass collapsedIcon, expandedIcon, and leafIcon to <DataViewTable>.

To disable row selection, pass the isSelectDisabled function to selection prop of the wrapping <DataView> component .

Tree table example

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The following example demonstrates how to enable sorting functionality within a data view. This implementation supports dynamic sorting by column and persists the sort state in the page's URL via React Router.

Sorting example

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Sorting state

The useDataViewSort hook manages the sorting state of a data view and provides an easy way to handle sorting logic, such as synchronization with URL parameters and the definition of default sorting behavior.

Initial values:

  • initialSort object to set default sortBy and direction values:
    • sortBy: Key of the initial column to sort.
    • direction: Default sorting direction (asc or desc).
  • searchParams (optional): Object to manage URL-based synchronization of sort state.
  • setSearchParams (optional): Function to update the URL parameters when sorting changes.
  • defaultDirection: Used to set the default direction when no direction is specified.
  • Customizable parameter names for the URL:
    • sortByParam: Name of the URL parameter for the column key.
    • directionParam: Name of the URL parameter for the sorting direction. The useDataViewSort hook integrates seamlessly with React Router to manage the sort state via URL parameters. Alternatively, you can use URLSearchParams and window.history.pushState APIs, or other routing libraries. If URL synchronization is not configured, the sort state is managed internally within the component.

Return values:

  • sortBy: Key of the column currently being sorted.
  • direction: Current sorting direction (asc or desc).
  • onSort: Function to handle sorting changes programmatically or via user interaction.


The data view table allows you to react to the activeState of the data view (such as empty, error, loading). You can use the headStates and bodyStates props to define the table head and body for a given state.


When there is no data to render in the data view, you can instead display an empty state.

You can create your empty state by passing a PatternFly empty state to the empty key of headStates or bodyStates.

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No data found

There are no matching data to be displayed.


When there is a data connection or retrieval error, you can display an error state.

The error state will be displayed when the data view activeState value is error.

You can create your error state by passing either the component groups extension's error state or a PatternFly empty state to the error key of headStates or bodyStates.

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Unable to load data

There was an error retrieving data. Check your connection and reload the page.


To indicate that data is loading, you can display a loading state.

The loading state will be displayed when the data view activeState value is loading.

You can create your loading state by passing either the component groups extension's skeleton table or a customized PatternFly empty state to the loading key of headStates or bodyStates.

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extends TableProps
columnsrequiredDataViewTh[]Columns definition
rowsrequiredDataViewTr[]Current page rows
bodyStatesPartial<Record<DataViewState | string, React.ReactNode>>Table body states to be displayed when active
headStatesPartial<Record<DataViewState | string, React.ReactNode>>Table head states to be displayed when active
ouiaIdstring'DataViewTableBasic'Custom OUIA ID


extends TableProps
columnsrequiredDataViewTh[]Columns definition
rowsrequiredDataViewTrTree[]Current page rows
bodyStatesPartial<Record<DataViewState | string, React.ReactNode>>Table body states to be displayed when active
collapsedIconReact.ReactNodenullOptional icon for the collapsed parent rows
expandedIconReact.ReactNodenullOptional icon for the expanded parent rows
headStatesPartial<Record<DataViewState | string, React.ReactNode>>Table head states to be displayed when active
leafIconReact.ReactNodenullOptional icon for the leaf rows
ouiaIdstring'DataViewTableTree'Custom OUIA ID


extends DataViewTrObject


rowrequiredDataViewTd[]Array of rows
idstringUnique identifier of a row
propsTrPropsProps passed to Tr
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