Warning modal

A warning modal component displays a modal when a user tries to perform a risky action, which asks them to confirm or cancel the action.


Basic warning modal

A basic warning modal is triggered when a user tries to perform an action that is deemed risky.

You can customize the contents of the modal to fit your use cases. To adjust the text in the modal, pass your desired title to title and your message to the <WarningModal> component. To customize the action buttons in the modal, use onConfirm and onClose.

For further customization, you can utilize all properties of the modal component, with the exception of ref.

Warning modal with a custom button variant

You can apply custom variant to a warning modal's confirmation button.

Warning modal with a checkbox

To confirm that a user wishes to initiate a selected action, you can add a checkbox to a warning modal.



extends ModalProps
cancelButtonLabelstring'Cancel'Custom label for the cancel action button
checkboxLabelstring'I understand that this action cannot be undone'Custom checkbox label
confirmButtonLabelstring'Confirm'Custom label for the confirm action button
confirmButtonVariantButtonVariantButtonVariant.primaryVisual variant of the confirm button
onConfirm() => voidCallback for the confirm action button.
ouiaIdstring | number'WarningModal'Custom OUIA ID
titleIconVariantNo type info'warning'
variantNo type infoModalVariant.small
withCheckboxbooleanfalseWhether modal requires a checkbox before confirming
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