Unauthorized access

A not authorized component displays an error screen to users when they attempt to view a page that they don't have permission to access.


Basic unauthorized access

A basic not authorized component displays a title, body text, and custom actions.

You do not have access to Demo bundle
Description text

Unauthorized access with custom actions

You can customize the not authorized component to fit your use case by specifying the serviceName to appear in the title, a bodyText of appropriate context for the error, and the actions that a user can take instead.

You do not have access to Demo bundle
Description text



extends EmptyStateProps
bodyTextReact.ReactNode'Contact your system administrator(s) for more information.'Custom body text
classNamestringCustom className
headingLevelNo type info'h5'
iconReact.ComponentTypeLockIconIcon displayed above the title
ouiaIdstring | number'UnauthorizedAccess'Custom OUIA ID
prevPageButtonTextReact.ReactNode'Return to previous page'Custom previous page button text
primaryActionReact.ReactNodenullCustom primary action - there should only be one defined
secondaryActionsReact.ReactNodenullCustom secondary actions
serviceNamestringService name displayed in the title
showReturnButtonbooleantrueShows link to the previous page
titleTextReact.ReactNode`You do not have access to ${serviceName}`Custom title text
toLandingPageTextReact.ReactNode'Go to landing page'Custom landing page button text
toLandingPageUrlstring"."Custom landing page button URL
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