Page header

The page header component displays a page header section with a title, subtitle and other optional content.


Basic page header

In order to display a basic page header, pass the title and subtitle.

My Title

This is a subtitle for your page header

Page header with breadcrumbs

You can display breadcrumbs above the title using the breadcrumbs property.

My Title

This is a subtitle for your page header

Page header with icon

Use the icon property to display your custom page icon separated with a divider.


My Title

This is a subtitle for your page header

To add specific element captions for user clarity and convenience, you can use the label property together with label or your custom component. The linkProps can be used to define a link displayed under the subtitle.

Page header with actions menu

In case you want to display actions in your header, you can use the actionsMenu property.

My Title

This is a subtitle for your page header


subtitlerequiredstringSubtitle for page header
titlerequiredstringTitle for page header
actionMenuReact.ReactNodeMenu that appears to the far right of the title
breadcrumbsReact.ReactNodenullBreadcrumbs component
childrenReact.ReactNodenullChild nodes
iconReact.ReactNodeOptional icon for page header (appears to the left of the page header's title with a divider)
labelReact.ReactNodeOptional label for page header (appears to the right of the page header's title)
linkPropsPageHeaderLinkPropsOptional link below subtitle
ouiaIdstring | number'PageHeader'Custom OUIA ID
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