
A maintenance component displays a screen to users when they are undergoing scheduled maintenance.


Basic maintenance

To provide users with basic information regarding maintenance. A basic maintenance state should contain an appropriate and informative titleText. defaultBodyText will be used by default.

Maintenance in progress
We are currently undergoing scheduled maintenance. Thank you for understanding.

Custom maintenance

To override the default bodyText and footer link, specify your own using bodyText and customFooter. You may add a startTime, endTime and timeZone that will be displayed as shown below. timeZone will be set to UTC by default.

Maintenance in progress
We are currently undergoing scheduled maintenance and will be unavailable from 6am to 8am UTC.



extends EmptyStateProps
bodyTextReact.ReactNodeCustom body text
customFooterReact.ReactNode'For more information please visit'Custom footer content
defaultBodyTextReact.ReactNode'We are currently undergoing scheduled maintenance. Thank you for understanding.'A default bodyText used if no bodyText is provided
endTimestringEnd time in a specific time zone
headingLevelNo type info'h5'
ouiaIdstring | number'Maintenance'Custom OUIA ID
redirectLinkTextstring''Information link title
redirectLinkUrlstring''Information link
startTimestringStart time in a specific time zone
timeZonestring'UTC'Time zone specification
titleTextstring'Maintenance in progress'The title for the maintenance message
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