Column management modal

The column management modal component can be used to implement customizable table columns. Columns can be configured to be enabled or disabled by default or be unhidable.


Showing and hiding of table columns

Clicking the "Manage columns" button will open the column management modal. The "ID" column should not be toggleable, therefore its checkbox is disabled with isUntoggleable: true. The "Score" column is set to be hidden by default. Always make sure to set isShownByDefault and isShown to the same boolean value in the initial state. For further customization, you can utilize all properties of the modal component, except ref and children.

IDPublish dateImpact
CVE-2024-154620 Feb 2024Important
CVE-2024-154720 Feb 2024Important
CVE-2024-154820 Feb 2024Moderate
CVE-2024-154920 Feb 2024Moderate



extends ModalProps
appliedColumnsrequiredColumnManagementModalColumn[]Current column state
applyColumnsrequired(newColumns: ColumnManagementModalColumn[]) => voidInvoked with new column state after save button is clicked
descriptionstring'Selected categories will be displayed in the table.'
isOpenbooleanfalseFlag to show the modal
onClose(event: KeyboardEvent | React.MouseEvent) => void() => undefinedInvoked when modal visibility is changed
ouiaIdstring | number'ColumnManagementModal'Custom OUIA ID
titlestring'Manage columns'
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