Unavailable content

An unavailable content component displays a screen to users when they attempt to view a page that is currently unavailable to view.


Basic unavailable content

A basic unavailable content component provides users with instructions, including a link to check a status page for known issues. The status page link can be specified using statusPageUrl.

This page is temporarily unavailable
Try refreshing the page. If the problem persists, contact your organization administrator or visit our status page for known outages.



extends EmptyStateProps
bodyTextstring'Try refreshing the page. If the problem persists, contact your organization administrator or visit our status page for known outages.'The body text for the unavailable content message
headingLevelNo type info"h5"
ouiaIdstring | number'UnavailableContent'Custom OUIA ID
statusPageLinkTextstring'Status Page'The text label for the link that points to the status page
statusPageUrlstring''The URL that the status page link points to
titleTextstring'This page is temporarily unavailable'The title for the unavailable content message
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