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A tooltip is in-app messaging used to identify elements on a page with short, clarifying text.


To implement an accessible PatternFly tooltip:

  • Avoid using tooltips on static elements such as a div or span, except in cases of truncation.

For the PatternFly React library:

  • Pass in aria="labelledby" to the tooltip component when the tooltip should act as the primary label for its trigger:
    <Tooltip content="Copy to clipboard" aria="labelledby">
        <CopyIcon />

For the HTML/CSS library:

  • Pass in role="tooltip" to the element acting as the tooltip component.

  • Pass in the aria-labelledby attribute to the trigger when the tooltip should act as the primary label for its trigger:

    <div class="pf-c-tooltip pf-m-top" role="tooltip">
      <div class="pf-c-tooltip__arrow"></div>
      <div class="pf-c-tooltip__content" id="tooltip-label-content">
        Copy to clipboard
    <button aria-labelledby="tooltip-label-content">
      <CopyIcon />
  • Pass in the aria-describedby attribute to the trigger when the tooltip should act as supplementary information:

    <div class="pf-c-tooltip pf-m-top" role="tooltip">
      <div class="pf-c-tooltip__arrow"></div>
      <div class="pf-c-tooltip__content" id="tooltip-description-content">
        Supplementary information within a tooltip
    <button aria-describedby="tooltip-description-content">
      Button text label


At a minimumm, a tooltip should meet the following criteria:

  • One use-case for this is when a button contains only an icon and no visible text label.
  • This is best achieved by wrapping the tooltip component around the trigger. This is best checked by using a screen reader.
  • This is commonly done by pressing Escape.

React customization

Various React props have been provided for more fine-tuned control over accessibility.

Applied to
When a value of "polite" is passed in, allows assistive technologies to announce the tooltip contents when it is expected or intended to dynamically update, such as in response to a user action. This should only be passed in when the children prop is also used on the tooltip.

aria-live="polite" is set by default when using the reference prop in order to allow assistive technologies to correctly announce tooltip contents regardless if it will dynamically update or not.
When a value of "describedby" (default behavior) or "labelledby" is passed in, allows assistive technologies to announce the tooltip contents when it is triggered. A value of "describedby" sets the trigger's aria-describedby attribute and should be used when the tooltip should act as supplementary information. A value of "labelledby" sets the trigger's aria-labelledby attribute and should be used when the tooltip should act as a primary label.

When a value of "none" is passed in, prevents aria-labelledby and aria-describedby from being set on the trigger. Only pass in a value of "none" when either aria-labelledby or aria-describedby is manually set on the trigger and the id prop is manually passed into the tooltip.

This prop should only be passed in when the children prop is also used on the tooltip.
Sets the id attribute on the tooltip, which can be passed in as the value to a trigger's aria-labelledby or aria-describedby attribute. Required when either aria-labelledby or aria-describedby is manually set on the trigger or when the reference prop is passed into the tooltip.
Links the tooltip to a trigger when the children prop cannot be used. When passing in this prop, the id prop must also be passed in, and either aria-labelledby or aria-describedby must be set on the trigger with a value of the tooltip's id.


The following code block shows how you should generally use the aria-live prop when the tooltip contents is intended or expected to dynamically update.

const [tooltipContent, setTooltipContent] = React.useState("Copy to clipboard");

const onClick = () => {
  setTooltipContent('Successfully copied to clipboard!")

<Tooltip aria-live="polite" content={tooltipContent}>
  <button onClick={onClick}>
    <CopyIcon />


When passing in aria="none" in the following code block, the id is passed into the tooltip and aria-labelledby is passed into the trigger with a value of the tooltip's id.

<Tooltip id="tooltip-without-aria" aria="none" content="Copy to clipboard">
  <button aria-labelledby="tooltip-without-aria">
    <CopyIcon />


When using the reference prop in the following code block, a React ref is created and passed into the tooltip and the trigger as the reference and ref props, respectively. Additionally, the id is passed into the tooltip and aria-labelledby is passed into the trigger with a value of the tooltip's id.

const tooltipRef = React.useRef();

<Tooltip id="tooltip-with-reference" content="Copy to clipboard" reference={tooltipRef} />
<button ref={tooltipRef} aria-labelledby="tooltip-with-reference">
  <CopyIcon />

HTML/CSS customization

Various HTML attributes and PatternFly classes can be used for more fine-tuned control over accessibility.

Attribute or class
Applied to
Allows assistive technologies to announce the tooltip contents when it is expected or intended to dynamically update, such as in response to a user action.
Used to link the tooltip to a trigger by passing in the tooltip's id as the value to the trigger's aria-describedby or aria-labelledby attribute. Required.
Adds a tooltip role to the component. Required.
element that triggers the tooltip
Allows assistive technologies to announce the tooltip contents when it is triggered. Required when the tooltip should act as supplementary information.
element that triggers the tooltip
Allows assistive technologies to announce the tooltip contents when it is triggered. Required when the tooltip should act as the primarly label of the trigger.

Additional considerations

Consumers must ensure they take any additional considerations when customizing a tooltip, using it in a way not described or recommended by PatternFly, or in various other specific use-cases not outlined elsewhere on this page.

  • If a tooltip is added to a trigger that is disabled, the trigger must still be able to receive focus. This can often be achieved by using the aria-disabled attribute instead of the disabled attribute.

Further reading

To read more about accessibility with tooltips, refer to the following resources:

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