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Drag and drop

The drag and drop interaction can be used to reposition elements on screen into a layout that benefits the user. This gives the user more flexibility to arrange and/or group items without having to make code changes.

Info alert:Beta feature

This Beta component is currently under review and is still open for further evolution. It is available for use in product. Beta components are considered for promotion on a quarterly basis. Please join in and give us your feedback or submit any questions on the PatternFly forum or via Slack. To learn more go to our Beta components page on GitHub.

You can use the DragDrop component to move items in or between lists. The DragDrop component should contain Droppable components which contain Draggable components.

import React from 'react';
import { DragDrop, Draggable, Droppable } from '@patternfly/react-core';

const DragDropCodeSample: React.FunctionComponent = () => (
    {' '}
    {/* DragDrop houses the context for dragging and dropping */}
      <Draggable>You can put anything here! It will be wrapped in a styled div.</Draggable>
      <Draggable>You can have as many Draggables as you like.</Draggable>
      {' '}
      {/* You can also have many droppables! */}
      <Draggable />

Note: Keyboard accessibility and screen reader accessibility are still in development.



item 0
item 1
item 2
item 3
item 4 item 4 item 4 item 4 item 4 item 4 item 4 item 4 item 4 item 4 item 4 item 4 item 4 item 4 item 4 item 4 item 4 item 4 item 4 item 4
item 5
item 6
item 7
item 8
item 9

Multiple lists

item 0
item 1
item 2
item 3
item 4 item 4 item 4 item 4 item 4 item 4 item 4 item 4 item 4 item 4 item 4 item 4 item 4 item 4 item 4 item 4 item 4 item 4 item 4 item 4
item 5
item 6
item 7
item 8
item 9
item 10
item 11
item 12
item 13
item 14



childrenReact.ReactNodePotentially Droppable and Draggable children
onDrag(source: DraggableItemPosition) => boolean() => trueCallback for drag event. Return true to allow drag, false to disallow.
onDragMove(source: DraggableItemPosition, dest?: DraggableItemPosition) => void() => {}Callback on mouse move while dragging.
onDrop(source: DraggableItemPosition, dest?: DraggableItemPosition) => boolean() => falseCallback for drop event. Return true to allow drop, false to disallow.


childrenReact.ReactNodeContent rendered inside DragDrop
classNamestringClass to add to outer div
hasNoWrapperbooleanfalseDon't wrap the component in a div. Requires passing a single child.
styleNo type info{}


childrenReact.ReactNodeContent rendered inside DragDrop
classNamestringClass to add to outer div
droppableIdstring'defaultId'Id to be passed back on drop events
hasNoWrapperbooleanfalseDon't wrap the component in a div. Requires passing a single child.
zonestring'defaultZone'Name of zone that items can be dragged between. Should specify if there is more than one Droppable on the page.


droppableIdrequiredstringParent droppableId
indexrequirednumberIndex of item in parent Droppable

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