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A pagination component gives users more navigational capability on pages with content views.



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By not passing itemCount and passing toggleTemplate you can customize the toggle with text.

1 - 20 of many


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No items

0 - 0 of 0

One page

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Sticky screenshot

Inset Beta

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The main pagination component.
childrenReact.ReactNodenullWhat should be rendered inside the pagination.
classNamestring''Additional classes for the pagination container.
defaultToFullPagebooleanfalseIndicate whether to show last full page of results when user selects perPage value greater than remaining rows.
dropDirection'up' | 'down'Direction of dropdown context menu.
firstPagenumber1Page to start at.
insetBeta{ default?: 'insetNone' | 'insetSm' | 'insetMd' | 'insetLg' | 'insetXl' | 'inset2xl'; sm?: 'insetNone' | 'insetSm' | 'insetMd' | 'insetLg' | 'insetXl' | 'inset2xl'; md?: 'insetNone' | 'insetSm' | 'insetMd' | 'insetLg' | 'insetXl' | 'inset2xl'; lg?: 'insetNone' | 'insetSm' | 'insetMd' | 'insetLg' | 'insetXl' | 'inset2xl'; xl?: 'insetNone' | 'insetSm' | 'insetMd' | 'insetLg' | 'insetXl' | 'inset2xl'; '2xl'?: 'insetNone' | 'insetSm' | 'insetMd' | 'insetLg' | 'insetXl' | 'inset2xl'; }Insets at various breakpoints.
isCompactbooleanfalseFlag indicating if pagination is compact.
isDisabledbooleanfalseFlag indicating if pagination is disabled.
isStaticbooleanFlag indicating if pagination should not be sticky on mobile.
isStickybooleanfalseFlag indicating if pagination should stick to its position (based on variant).
itemCountnumberTotal number of items.
itemsEndnumbernullLast index of items on current page.
itemsStartnumbernullFirst index of items on current page.
offsetnumber0Start index of rows to display, used in place of providing page.
onFirstClick(event: React.SyntheticEvent<HTMLButtonElement>, page: number) => void() => undefinedFunction called when user clicks on navigate to first page.
onLastClick(event: React.SyntheticEvent<HTMLButtonElement>, page: number) => void() => undefinedFunction called when user clicks on navigate to last page.
onNextClick(event: React.SyntheticEvent<HTMLButtonElement>, page: number) => void() => undefinedFunction called when user clicks on navigate to next page.
onPageInput(event: React.SyntheticEvent<HTMLButtonElement>, page: number) => void() => undefinedFunction called when user inputs page number.
onPerPageSelect( _evt: React.MouseEvent | React.KeyboardEvent | MouseEvent, newPerPage: number, newPage: number, startIdx?: number, endIdx?: number ) => void() => undefinedFunction called when user selects number of items per page.
onPreviousClick(event: React.SyntheticEvent<HTMLButtonElement>, page: number) => void() => undefinedFunction called when user clicks on navigate to previous page.
onSetPage( _evt: React.MouseEvent | React.KeyboardEvent | MouseEvent, newPage: number, perPage?: number, startIdx?: number, endIdx?: number ) => void() => undefinedFunction called when user sets page.
ouiaIdnumber | stringValue to overwrite the randomly generated data-ouia-component-id.
ouiaSafebooleantrueSet the value of data-ouia-safe. Only set to true when the component is in a static state, i.e. no animations are occurring. At all other times, this value must be false.
pagenumber0Current page number.
perPagenumberdefaultPerPageOptions[0].valueNumber of items per page.
perPageComponent'div' | 'button''div'Component to be used for wrapping the toggle contents. Use "button" when you want all of the toggle text to be clickable.
perPageOptionsPerPageOptions[][ { title: '10', value: 10 }, { title: '20', value: 20 }, { title: '50', value: 50 }, { title: '100', value: 100 } ]Array of the number of items per page options.
titlesPaginationTitles{ items: '', page: '', pages: '', itemsPerPage: 'Items per page', perPageSuffix: 'per page', toFirstPage: 'Go to first page', toPreviousPage: 'Go to previous page', toLastPage: 'Go to last page', toNextPage: 'Go to next page', optionsToggle: '', currPage: 'Current page', paginationTitle: 'Pagination', ofWord: 'of' }Object with titles to display in pagination.
toggleTemplate((props: ToggleTemplateProps) => React.ReactElement) | stringThis will be shown in pagination toggle span. You can use firstIndex, lastIndex, itemCount, itemsTitle, and/or ofWord props.
usePageInsetsBetabooleanFlag indicating that pagination should use page insets.
variant'top' | 'bottom' | PaginationVariantPaginationVariant.topPosition where pagination is rendered.
widgetIdstring'options-menu'Id to ideintify widget on page.


Properties to customize various pagination titles. The following properties should be passed into the pagination component's title property.
currPagestringAccessible label for the input displaying the current page.
itemsstringThe type or title of the items being paginated.
itemsPerPagestringThe title of the pagination options menu.
ofWordstringLabel for the English word "of".
optionsTogglestringAccessible label for the options toggle.
pagestringThe title of a page displayed beside the page number.
pagesstringThe title of a page displayed beside the page number (plural form).
paginationTitlestringAccessible label for the pagination component.
perPageSuffixstringThe suffix to be displayed after each option on the options menu dropdown.
toFirstPagestringAccessible label for the button which moves to the first page.
toLastPagestringAccessible label for the button which moves to the last page.
toNextPagestringAccessible label for the button which moves to the next page.
toPreviousPagestringAccessible label for the button which moves to the previous page.


Properties to customize the content and behavior of the pagination dropdown options. These properties should be passed into the pagination component's perPageOptions property.
titlestringThe text title of the option, which is rendered inside the pagination dropdown menu.
valuenumberThe value of the option, which determines how many items are displayed per page.


Allows more customization of the pagination dropdown toggle. The following properties should be passed into the pagination component's toggleTemplate property.
firstIndexnumberThe first index of the items being paginated
itemCountnumberThe total number of items being paginated
itemsTitlestringThe type or title of the items being paginated
lastIndexnumberThe last index of the items being paginated
ofWordReact.ReactNodeThe word that joins the index and itemCount/itemsTitle

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