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PatternFly logo


A brand is used to place a product logotype on a screen.



Patternfly Logo


Passing <source> elements as children to Brand will change the component from an <img> to a <picture> element. In this form, breakpoint modifiers for width and height may be passed to Brand. The src and alt properties should still be passed to populate the fallback img of the brand.

Fallback patternfly default logo



altrequiredstringAttribute that specifies the alt text of a <img> Brand. For a <picture> Brand this specifies the fallback <img> alt text.
childrenReact.ReactNodeTransforms the Brand into a <picture> element from an <img> element. Container for <source> child elements.
classNamestring''Additional classes added to the either type of Brand.
heights{ default?: string; sm?: string; md?: string; lg?: string; xl?: string; '2xl'?: string; }Heights at various breakpoints for a <picture> Brand.
srcstring''Attribute that specifies the URL of a <img> Brand. For a <picture> Brand this specifies the fallback <img> URL.
widths{ default?: string; sm?: string; md?: string; lg?: string; xl?: string; '2xl'?: string; }Widths at various breakpoints for a <picture> Brand.

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