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A button is a box area or text that communicates and triggers user actions when clicked or selected. Buttons are interactive elements.

Keyboard users should be able to focus on the button using Tab to move forward and Tab + Shift to move backwards through interactive elements. They should be able to select a focused button using Space or Enter.

Screen reader users should be able to navigate to the button and it should have text that can be read by a screen reader, or alternative text if it only contains an icon. For alternative text, aria-label is the most common choice.

Accessibility application:

  • A button containing only an icon without supporting text should be labeled with the aria-label prop.
  • A regular disabled button is not focusable, but an aria-disabled button is. isAriaDisabled should be used when a disabled button provides interactive elements (like a tooltip).
  • Screen readers may read buttons to users out of context. For example, screen reader users can navigate a page specifically by form controls. So button text should be unique and easily understood on its own. Refer to PatternFly's accessibility guide for more information.

The following props can be added or are customizable in PatternFly:

React prop
React component that it should be applied to
Which HTML element it appears on in markup
Reason used
Adds accessible text to the button if the button doesn’t contain descriptive text on its own.
Adds disabled styling and communicates that the button is disabled using the aria-disabled html attribute

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