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Font size

Extra small text
Small text
Medium text
Large text
Extra large text
2xl text
3xl text
4xl text

Font weight


Standard colors

Font color 100
Font color 200
Font color 300
Font color 400
Active color 100
Active color 400
Primary color 100

Inverse colors

These colors are best used with the "inverse" background colors.

Font color light 100
Font color light 200

Status and state text colors

Font color default 100
Font color default 200
Font color default 300
Font color success 100
Font color success 200
Font color info 100
Font color info 200
Font color warning 100
Font color warning 200
Font color danger 100
Font color danger 200
Font color danger 300

Disabled text colors

Font color disabled 100
Font color disabled 200

Icon colors

Controlling text


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus pretium est a porttitor vehicula. Quisque vel commodo urna. Morbi mattis rutrum ante, id vehicula ex accumsan ut.

No Wrap

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus pretium est a porttitor vehicula.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus pretium est a porttitor vehicula. Quisque vel commodo urna. Morbi mattis rutrum ante, id vehicula ex accumsan ut.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus pretium est a porttitor vehicula. Quisque vel commodo urna. Morbi mattis rutrum ante, id vehicula ex accumsan ut.



These text utilities can be used to modify text within the PatternFly framework. In most cases, using the components with available modifiers should be sufficient to implement most designs, and should be preferred over customizations using these utilities.

Care should be taken especially when applying text colors, as this can have a negative effect on the readability and accessibility of text. Refer to the information on contrast ratios for more information.

Breakpoint is optional. Breakpoints: base (no breakpoint value), -on-sm, -on-md, -on-lg, and -on-xl. Example .pf-u-font-size-xl-on-lg


Applied to
.pf-u-font-size-{xs, sm, md, lg, xl, 2xl, 3xl, 4xl}{-on-[breakpoint]}
Sets font-size to xs, sm, md, lg, xl, 2xl, 3xl, or 4xl
.pf-u-font-weight-{light, normal, bold}{-on-[breakpoint]}
Sets font-size to light, normal, or bold
.pf-u-color-{100, 200, 300, 400}{-on-[breakpoint]}
Sets font-color to color 100, 200, 300, or 400
.pf-u-active-color-{100, 400}{-on-[breakpoint]}
Sets font-color to active color 100 or 400
Sets font-color to primary color 100
.pf-u-color-light-{100, 200}{-on-[breakpoint]}
Sets font-color to light color 100 or 200
Sets font-color to link color
Sets font-color to hover link color
Sets font-color to light link color
Sets font-color to light hover link color
Sets font-color to dark link color
Sets font-color to dark hover link color
Sets font-color to visited link color
.pf-u-default-color-{100, 200, 300}{-on-[breakpoint]}
Sets font-color to default color 100, 200, or 300
.pf-u-success-color-{100, 200}{-on-[breakpoint]}
Sets font-color to success color 100 or 200
.pf-u-info-color-{100, 200}{-on-[breakpoint]}
Sets font-color to info color 100 or 200
.pf-u-warning-color-{100, 200}{-on-[breakpoint]}
Sets font-color to warning color 100 or 200
.pf-u-danger-color-{100, 200, 300}{-on-[breakpoint]}
Sets font-color to danger color 100, 200, or 300
.pf-u-disabled-color-{100, 200}{-on-[breakpoint]}
Sets font-color to disabled color 100 or 200
.pf-u-icon-color-{light, dark}{-on-[breakpoint]}
Sets font-color to light or dark icon color
Sets word-break to break-word
Sets white-space to nowrap
Sets white-space to normal
Truncates text field

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