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Application launcher

An application launcher is an optional utility menu item that allows a user to launch a separate web application in a new browser window.

Keyboard interaction of the application launcher uses Tab to navigate to the application launcher toggle, Enter or Space to activate the application launcher, and arrow keys to navigate inside the application launcher menu. The Esc key should automatically close the menu.

In general, the application launcher component already has accessibility built in. However, if you would like to customize it, you can do the following:

React component
Prop or attribute
Which HTML element it appears on in markup
Adds accessible text to the button. Required for plain buttons or when there is no supporting text in the application launcher toggle
Label for the favorites group, defaults to "Favorites". Available for customization
.pf-c-app-launcher__menu-item pf-m-action
Aria label text for favoritable button when favorited, defaults to "starred". Available for customization
.pf-c-app-launcher__menu-item pf-m-action
Aria label text for favoritable button when not favorited, defaults to "not starred". Available for customization

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